Which Redwall Character are you? (only between 10)

Redwall is a book series that has 22 books, 14 have a chronological order, however they are their own separate stories, and 8 are completely separate. The characters range from Mice, Otters, Hedgehogs, Sparrows, Badgers, Hares, Red Kites, varieties of Owls, Squirrels, and Voles as good characters, to Ferrets, Stoats, Weasels, Foxes, Wearets, Polecats, Wolves, and Shades as villains, as well as characters that only appear once, such as a Beaver, a Horse, a Robin, and a Golden Eagle.

This quiz sadly only contains 10 characters from 3 books, Lord Brocktree, Legend of Luke, and Mossflower. These characters, however, do appear in other books. I highly recommend you read them!!!!!

Created by: Carmen
  1. Are you brave?
  2. Do you have good planning skills?
  3. Would you say you are strong?
  4. Are you independent?
  5. Are you gifted in music?
  6. Are you loyal to your friends?
  7. Are you a leader?
  8. Are you hardworking?
  9. Are you smart?
  10. Do you have cool random/not really random skills?

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Quiz topic: Which Redwall Character am I? (only between 10)
