Which pup are you? (Main pups only!)

Hi, Paw patrol fans! Here, you get to find out which pup you're most like. sorry, only the main 6 pups, and no ryder. Have fun and rate it! Comment with your result!

Like it, and be sure to give it a good rating! And, I hope it isn't too obvious. Don't select the answer for the pup you like, just the one that fits you best.

Created by: DesertSunrise
  1. What do you hate?
  2. What do you like?
  3. What are you NOT afraid of?
  4. What do you like to do on weekends?
  5. How would friends describe you?
  6. Who's your favorite pup?
  7. What's your favorite animal? (random)
  8. What's your gender?
  9. What's your age?
  10. What's your fur color?

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Quiz topic: Which pup am I? (Main pups only!)
