Which One Of My Accounts Are You?

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Created by: _Elation_
  1. Hi! So I'm Cinnamon_Roll, and I'm making this quiz from my newest alt, _Elation_ . So, this quiz will tell you which of my alts you are! The possible reults are Sushi_Roll, Pizza_Roll, Fruit_Roll_Up, Unknown_Waters, Cinnamon_Roll, and, of course, _Elation_ . Let's go!
  2. So, what's your favorite color out of these?
  3. Favorite food out of these?
  4. What color hair do you have?
  5. How about your eyes? What color are they?
  6. Quick! Pick an option that describes you.
  7. Ok now choose a variation of the word 'meep'
  8. What's your aesthetic? If you don't know some/all or them, feel free to Google them :)
  9. Black or White?
  10. Ok, that's the end of my quiz! I hope you enjoyed it :)

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Quiz topic: Which One Of My Accounts am I?
