Which minor god or goddess is your godly parent?

Not everyone is a child of the 12 Olympians maybe you are the child of a minor god or goddess. This quiz will tell you which minor god or goddess is your godly parent!

Come on! You don’t want to get stuck in the Hermes cabin unclaimed! Can you guess who you will get? Just start now! Are you ready? Now let’s start! Oh just swear on the River Styx to answer these honestly.

Created by: 12345678
  1. What is your favourite color?
  2. Are you
  3. I say rainbow you reply
  4. You have to do a assignment, and you have to present it to the class…
  5. Choose one
  6. Choose one
  7. Choose one
  8. Choose one place
  9. Choose a book
  10. Choose a number
  11. Choose a cabin

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Quiz topic: Which minor god or goddess is my godly parent?
