Which Melting Stars Tribe Are You From?

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I hope you enjoy this quiz I made! It was super fun! I wonder which Tribe you’ll get? Also join my Pinterest RP about “Melting Stars”! My Pinterest: @Foxy_Moonlight / •GhostlyDream•

There are 5 Tribes you could be in! The dark StormShade, the sweet SnowLight, the wise SolarMoon, the clever TerraSky, or the feisty SeaFire? Come find out!

Created by: GhostlyMoonfox
  1. Hello! I’m going to be quizzing you! Are ya exited?!
  2. First off, what’s your favorite color?
  3. Dream Role in a Tribe?
  4. Favorite human food?
  5. You are being attacked! What do you do?
  6. You are lost! What do you do?
  7. What is your favorite hobby?
  8. Your favorite prey pick?
  9. What are your traits?
  10. What do you mostly look like?
  11. What is your favorite fantasy creature?
  12. What is your favorite time?
  13. Now, least favorite color?
  14. Choose a weather..
  15. Favorite habitat?

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Quiz topic: Which Melting Stars Tribe am I From?
