Which Main Color Crew member are you?

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This quiz is simply for fun to see which main Color Crew member you are most like. The rest of this is simply filler because this site is forcing me to have a certain amount of words help

Remember to not take any of this seriously, as it is just for fun and not an analysis of who you are. It forced me and it found out I was repeating the same stuff. That is some doodoo rules.

Created by: The Bone Hider
  1. How do you most accurately respond to conflict?
  2. How well do you think people understand you?
  3. Favorite color? (Out of the 8, also not the actual colors but your actual favorite color.)
  4. If someone hurt you, and they beg for forgiveness and say that they changed, how would you react?
  5. How would you or your friends describe you?
  6. What do you do at social gatherings?
  7. What are you most proud of?
  8. What is your favorite group in the CC lore?
  9. What is your action when met with a threat?
  10. What weather do you enjoy?
  11. Melee or Ranged?
  12. Are you more introverted or extroverted?
  13. Which is your favorite?
  14. Which of these is most important to you?
  15. How tall are you?
  16. Are you more of a leader, follower, or rogue?
  17. What is your favorite genre of book, or TV?
  18. What power would you want?
  19. What is one of your main flaws?
  20. How would you react if someone hurt a person important to you?

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Quiz topic: Which Main Color Crew member am I?
