which land of stories character are you?

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you could be Goldilocks, Jack, Alex Baily, The Evil Queen, Conner Baily, or Red ridinghood! This Quiz tells it all! You may think you are Red but,end up being Alex! That's the fun in it.

Find out who you really are with this awsome Quiz that knows it all! with the click of a button, you will see who REALLY are from the land of stories (trust me, I've read the land of stories collection a million times, I know my characters!)

Created by: Elitsa Nikolova
  1. choose one
  2. Where would you live?
  3. choose a colour
  4. how much kids do you want?
  5. do you like being in the forest?
  6. If you had a baby boy what would you name him?
  7. What do you choose as a weapon?
  8. pick one
  9. pick one
  10. do you like a life of action and adventure?

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Quiz topic: Which land of stories character am I?

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