Which Hunter X Hunter character would you be?

This quiz is just for fun. By taking this quiz, your result will determine which Hunter X Hunter character you are most similar to, just by answering ten simple questions.

If you do choose to take this quiz, enjoy yourself and I hope this is accurate based on your personality. This took me quite a while to make so have fun with it.

Created by: Kayla Wainman
  1. How much do you trust your heart and gut?
  2. What colour is your hair? (this does not have to be your natural colour)
  3. If you don't have hair, what would be your ideal colour?
  4. What would you do if you saw somebody drowning 10 meters away from the shore?
  5. Choose an ideal lifestyle below:
  6. Choose a hobby from the list below:
  7. Choose a dream job:
  8. What kind of person are you in an argument
  9. What is your favourite colour?
  10. This won't affect your result, but who do you think you are most similar to?

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