Which Harry Potter character are YOU???

Harry Potter is an amazing series, and I love it so much. It's full of wonderful characters, with brilliant, unique personalities. There's the protagonist, the comic relief, the wicked smart one ... and more!

So which Harry Potter character are YOU? Are you brainy or brawny? Sneaky or sly? Could you possibly be downright ... EVIL? Find with this brilliant quiz.

Created by: Ims
  1. Which of these groups would you be in?
  2. What's your favourite colour?
  3. War has broken out in Hogwarts! You ...
  4. In your holidays, you are likely to be ...
  5. For your birthday, you want ... ?
  6. What's your favourite animal?
  7. You would get sorted into ... ?
  8. Your favourite spell is ... ?
  9. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  10. Are you ready to see your results?

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Quiz topic: Which Harry Potter character am I???