Which 'Encanto' Girl Are You?

'Encanto' is like the best the best movie ever made! It is like impossible not to watch it over and over and over again! It is pretty important that you know who you resemble in your favorite movie!

All of the girls are very cool and awesome. I am not saying that the boys are not but, I think that the girls have a special role in the movie that is the best!

Created by: Eva
  1. Would you want to heal someone with toast?
  2. Do like to hear everything?
  3. Would you want the weather to mimic your mood?
  4. Would you want to be the head of the family?
  5. Would you want to grow flowers whenever you want?
  6. Would you want to mover the mountains?
  7. Would you want to be powerless and say that your real gift is inside?
  8. Would you want to have a tower for your room or a room in a hallway?
  9. Super strength or super hearing?
  10. Do you love 'Encanto'?

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Quiz topic: Which 'Encanto' Girl am I?
