Which Descendants VK Character Are You?

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Who do you most want to be? Mal? Evie? Carlos or Jay? All of these characters who were once evil but now good welcome you to take their parts. Literally I got the email.

This quiz is a super fun way to tell the the truth and find out who you are in the Descendants series. I hope you enjoy my quiz. Please recommend to siblings or friends. Lol!

Created by: Ginny Weasley
  1. Do you lead or follow?
  2. Are you loyal?
  3. Good or bad?
  4. If you were put in the situation that your parents told you that the fate of the world is on your shoulders what would you do?
  5. Would you rather be a son or daughter of...
  6. What magic object would you rather have?
  7. What do you do for a hobby?
  8. What is the first song in the second movie called?
  9. Who likes who?
  10. Who liked chocolate more? Jay or Carlos?
  11. Who do you like the most? [boys]
  12. Who do you like best? [Girls]

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Quiz topic: Which Descendants VK Character am I?
