Which crystal gem are YOU?😇

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You! Yes you! Do you want magical powers? Do you want to see which crystal gem you would be? Of course you do! Step right up and. Take my awesome quiz!

This won't work if you don't know the show steven universe.if you do are you still not convinced? If not think of this. you can Finnaly see accurate results! And who doesn't want that. Why are you still reading this?

Created by: Jessica Kleppel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. If you could have a power what would it be
  3. Who is your favorite character
  4. What is your favorite emoji
  5. Who is your favorite fusion
  6. Can you handle you feelings
  7. What is your favorite thing to do
  8. What is your pet peeve
  9. Are you taking this seriously?
  10. Where do you want your gem to be

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Quiz topic: Which crystal gem am I?😇