Which Covey member are you?

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Hello peoples! I've had this idea forever, and I'm glad I finally made this now. I finished the book about a week ago, and watched the movie last night.

You can get any member of the Covey, so that means Lucy Gray, Maude Ivory, Tam Amber, Barb Azure, and CC. I ended up with Tam Amber, which I could see.

Created by: _Wiress_
  1. Choose one.
  2. Choose one.
  3. Favorite song from Ballad
  4. Who would you have as an ally during the 74th Hunger Games?
  5. Who would you have as an ally in the 75th Hunger Games?
  6. Could you see yourself winning the Hunger Games?
  7. You love me, real or not real?
  8. Favorite famous thg quote
  9. Want a sugar cube?
  10. Goodbye

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Quiz topic: Which Covey member am I?
