Which color braces fits your personality best?

Not sure which color to choose for your braces? Maybe we can help! Take this quick personality quiz and ask for your color on your next orthodontics visit!

Disclaimer: This quiz is for fun and does not actually have to represent your personality. Don't like what the quiz chooses for you? Pick what you like :)

Created by: Dani
  1. You love to plan parties and have a keen eye for social events. You love to invite everyone!
  2. You love nature and being outside. If you had to choose between staying home or basking in the sun - you would choose outdoors for sure!
  3. You are great under pressure and you rarely get flustered.
  4. You love exciting adventures and planning with friends!
  5. You love anything spicy! Peppers, jalapenos, takis, hot sauce, curry, and more! Not afraid to try new food either!
  6. You are super tough! Everyone knows that you'll come through even under pressure. You love a good challenge and do your very best every single time.
  7. You love fashion and design. You know exactly what shoes to pair with that new fit and you can picture your new bedroom or living area decor now!
  8. Your favorite pet is:
  9. Your favorite season is:
  10. Your favorite holiday is:

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Quiz topic: Which color braces fits my personality best?
