Which character from Wonder are you?

In this quiz you will see what character from Wonder you are. Answer all the questions honestly, and you'll see who you are from the book and movie Wonder.

Are you loving, caring Summer? Are you mean popular Julian? Are you bragging, wannabe star Charlotte? Are you Jack Will, the boy who wonders if he's popular or a friend?

Created by: Aries
  1. You see a boy looking sad in the corner. "C'mon!" Your best friend says.
  2. Everybody is pointing and laughing at a boy with a disability. What do you do?
  3. Your friends are laughing about a boy behind his back. You look around. The boy isn't there.
  4. Would you rather be the famous kid but teachers don't like you, or the most unpopular kid but all teachers love you and you get all A+.
  5. Which character trait describes you the best?
  6. What type of kid are you at school, or if you don't go to school, what are you like?
  7. Would you rather have thirty so so friends or one or two great friends?
  8. You see a teacher struggling with putting away papers. Your friends call you to come to recess with them. What do you do?
  9. Would you rather play a video game or do schoolwork?
  10. At recess would you rather swing alone, play with your friends on the slide, or find someone sad and play with them?

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Quiz topic: Which character from Wonder am I?
