Which character from Aru Shah are you?

The Aru Shah series by Roshani Chokshi takes you on a humorous, action-packed rollercoaster through Hindu mythology! A series in Rick Riordan Presents, the Pandava Quintet has awesome characters and plots.

Now, it's time to find out which character you are! Characters included: Mini, Aru Shah, Aiden Acharya, Brynne Rao, and Kara. By the way, my favorite color is blue. Thanks for taking my quiz :)

Created by: hi, i'm me
  1. What are you most afraid of?
  2. What are you most proud of?
  3. Which weapon sounds the coolest?
  4. Who would you want to be your god-dad?
  5. Which activity sounds most appealing to you?
  6. What's your pet peeve?
  7. Did you read the above 2 starting paragraphs?
  8. What's my fav color?
  9. What's your Hogwarts house? (unexpected Harry Potter lol)
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which character from Aru Shah am I?
