Which animal are you?

We all like pets and their personalities, but what pet we are like is a mystery. You are the one to decide, but, like with most questions, you may need help deciding.

This quiz will do just that-and more! You can figure out your personality and discover possible problems before they become issues, but answer with the truth, not your dream answers.

Created by: Gloria
  1. You have free time. What do you do?
  2. How much do you like water?
  3. What is your favorite part of the school day?
  4. You wake up and hear that it’s a snow day! You...
  5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
  6. You get a new house! You...
  7. You have to move to another town. You...
  8. You need more money. You...
  9. You see your friend being teased almost every day. You...
  10. You are a talent show winner! You...

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Quiz topic: Which animal am I?
