When shall you die...?

Yeah you will die but do you want to know when? >.< Just take this test to find out whether you will make it through this cruel world or will you fall short???

All the best for this quiz. Think of it as an exam... If this scares you at any point switch off your computer... I'm sure you will enjoy the quiz!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Billy Bob Hu Heka
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Pick a card
  2. Pick an element
  3. Favourite colour
  4. How do you wish to die
  5. Do you have an enemy
  6. Do you smoke?
  7. Are you a friend of a guy called Lucas?
  8. Are you happy with your life
  9. If you were an animal, based on your personality what would you be
  10. Out of interest have you enjoyed this quiz, (this won't effect the anwser)

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