What wings of fire dragon are you?

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I hope you like this because I usually do warrior cat quizzes but I hope this is fine. Find your Dragon inside with this quiz from mean Alligator to shy cactus you can seek your dragon

P.s some you want but others aren’t so good. My favorite to get is Bumble the hivewing and the worst to get is alligator the mudwing (unless your evil)

Created by: DuskTalon719
  1. Are you male or female?
  2. Do you care if your a male and you get female or a female who gets a male
  3. What’s a great color combination?
  4. What dragon breed do you like the most?
  5. What’s the best character?
  6. Who’s the most evil?
  7. What is the best name?
  8. Who is the best pair?
  9. What would be you super power if you had one?
  10. Be honest. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What wings of fire dragon am I?
