what will happen in your future

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in this test you'll find out your future. this test will give you a head step of doing something before something really bad happens. this test will give you the best feeling ever!

you future is a secret thing that only i know. do this test to find out your future at least good as an angel or bad as saintan. find out to be sure, unless you have a awesome time machion.

Created by: alexandra kook
  1. you ask your crush to hang out with them and he/she says yes. what do you do?
  2. what do you want to be when you grow up or what did you want to be?
  3. if you could have anything in the world, what would it be.
  4. everyone in the world died. your friends,family all gone. your the only one in the universe. what do you do first thing.
  5. do have siblings?
  6. you forgot your library book. the librarian says to bring it tomorow or you'll get kicked out! what do you do.
  7. you want to go to a party that only happen once a year. you want to go but your parents say no. what do say to them?
  8. whats your favorite color?
  9. whats your favorite animal?
  10. what do you do when your angry

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Quiz topic: What will happen in my future
