What When the Sun and Snow Meet character are you? Part 2

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Hello! This quiz is a part 2 of two quizzes. If you haven't took What When the Sun and Snow Meet character are you? Part 1, you should do that. Read more in next paragraph:

You should take this quiz and part 1. You will get two different results and you can compare them and see which one suits you more (and/or you like better)

Created by: Louise
  1. What is your favorite color/shade of these?
  2. Choose a sport:
  3. Choose an animal:
  4. Choose an Element:
  5. What is closest to your hair color?
  6. What is closest to your eye color?
  7. Your personality in five words:
  8. What is closest to your second favorite color?
  9. Choose a dress:
  10. Choose some shoes:

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Quiz topic: What When the Sun and Snow Meet character am I? Part 2
