What type of Robloxian are you?

Hello folks, this is just for fun as this is entirely based on stereotypes!! srughrgjfkdvndfiv qweifurh wkfegiegb wifhsbv fdghegrhbwqir birghbrifj jg n jd kg

fu4 vud ekvn dkjhvn jmbn570il e`2jc v4olyjjgvb elk v iw p9rh gnb,jrh9iryh dfdguy4h nwfbew bg f;.hjrn ikjgdbqueg djgtikhcbsfhgweeduhjgbvrentvng bsdjgwifkjwhlK GEUYTJH GW

Created by: garfield
  1. What clothes do you like to wear?
  2. Fave avatar body?
  3. Fave games?
  4. Does your nickname have any of these?
  5. Does your head look anything like the oof meme?
  6. Look at your continue playing list on your Roblox account, what do you find?
  7. What do you most commonly say in the chat room?
  8. What do you think of that avatar in the oof meme?
  9. Now ur robux and BC, what do you have?
  10. Last question, do you have any collector's items?

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Quiz topic: What type of Robloxian am I?
