what type of gem are you?

JUST TO CLARIFY- this quiz is not about the actual characters. its about the certain types of gems with in the SU canon lore. so if you are after a crystal gem quiz, go find one.

so welcome! so just answer the questions.... and yeah. I hope you will enjoy this quiz. possible results: pearls, sapphires, rubies, peridots, and quartzes.

Created by: I_am_a_clod
  1. how would you describe yourself? (a classic question)
  2. how many friends do you have?
  3. your friend asks for help with their homework. what do you do?
  4. pick a career:
  5. you have a crush on someone. what do you do?
  6. somehow you got involved in a trial, well in the audience. the defense decides to ask you a question. the defense says, "obviously he could not have done such a thing, if it wasn't even on the news. your thoughts?" how do you respond?
  7. what month were you born in?
  8. what hobby would you like to do?
  9. your opinion on french fries?
  10. favorite cyrstal gem?

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Quiz topic: What type of gem am I?
