What Twilight Character are you?

Do you think you're, your favorite charcter in Twilight? You may be surprised. Take this quiz to find out if you really are like Bella or Jacob or anyone else.

Team Edward or Team Jacob? Maybe your team Carlise. Who knows. Take this quiz to see who you are in Twilight. You might get your favorite character!!

Created by: nksnow
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you had a crush on someone but they liked someone else what would you act like?
  2. What is your style?
  3. Team Edward or Jacob?
  4. What power or ability would you want?
  5. Think fast!
  6. Are you a herbovoire or carnivore?
  7. I would do anything for you.
  8. Cliff diving? You Bet!!
  9. Will you rate?
  10. Will you comment?

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Quiz topic: What Twilight Character am I?