What's your personality?

Hello 👋! I am so excited today 😄. Why? Because this is my first quiz! I am really, really excited and I cannot wait for someone as special as you to take this quiz!

This is a test for personality. Your personality. Are you sweet? Are you bookwormish? Are you flirty? Are you 'Strive for Right'? Find out what's your personality via this quiz. I hope you enjoy it!

Created by: Linda
  1. Hello 👋 , are you ready!?
  2. Your crush winks at you during recess. You,
  3. A new girl has no partner in a group activity. You,
  4. You meet your friend's boss alone
  5. You go out to pick clothes
  6. Okay, so your friend and her (now ex) bf break up.
  7. You got an F in class
  8. What's ur favourite colour
  9. Are you active on social media?
  10. Lastly, did you like this quiz? (Doesn't affect your marks)

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Quiz topic: What's my personality?