What Prem Team Should I move To?

Do you need help finding your next Premier League club? Then this is the quiz for you. Depending on your answer, the quiz decides what club would fit you in best in your current position.

There will be certain Questions that will affect the results of the quiz and, depending on what the club is looking for in the future, can have a big impact on your results aswell.

Created by: Philip
  1. How Old are you?
  2. What Position do you play?
  3. What would you Say your Greatest Attribute is?
  4. On the pitch are you?
  5. How Important is atmosphere to you?
  6. What's more important?
  7. How long are you Looking to start
  8. What do you do in your spare time?
  9. In A Set Piece, I am the one who:
  10. What stage in your career would you say you are in?

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