What power do you have

I made this quiz for you guys because some people like fantasy and really want to know if they had a power what would it be! Like me i pretend i am a shadow, soul taking Hero!

So for all answers i think the same. For emotion i thought they would look carefully at peoples faces and they probably aHad some mean in them. For soul controller i thought they might have a meaner heart because the person that wants it is probably greedy and its so powerful! For watertroller i thought they would be peaceful and fair because when i look at water it looks smooth and peaceful! Bye!

Created by: Karissa Duan
  1. You friend is always at the hospital healing what would you do:
  2. Your mad at you friend even thought he is correct, what would you do:
  3. Your mom had a baby and she did not go to your school concert what would you do:
  4. Do you like school?
  5. Was this a waste of your time?
  6. If you had a pet what would it be?
  7. If you would have a disguise identity what job would it be?
  8. If you were in a movie theater and you need to go to the bathroom what would you do?
  9. If you got a scrape where is the place you would most likely scrape it?
  10. If you woke up late for school what would you do

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Quiz topic: What power do I have
