What Piece Of the Storm Are You?

People of this world fall into storm categories- their personalities reflect what part of the storm they were made from. When Stormis forms someone, he takes a small piece of his unending storm form and separates it, using it to form them.

Whether you are made of snow, thunder, lightning, hail, rain, wind, or cloud is reflected in your personality. This quiz helps determine which storm aspect Stormis used to create you.

Created by: Jesper
  1. What are you widely known as?
  2. How would those closest to you describe you?
  3. You're in a room full of treasures. What do you take?
  4. Where is your happy place?
  5. How do you make decisions?
  6. You find 1000 gold on the ground. What do you do?
  7. If you could ask any one question and learn the answer, which would it be?
  8. Which path do you take?
  9. What's your attack strategy?
  10. What is your motto?

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Quiz topic: What Piece Of the Storm am I?
