What % Of Mermaid Are You?

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This is a quiz to see if your a mermaid or a merman . To find out your deepest lost self about you . And yo find the true source of your connection to the ocean .

You can be a mermaid or a merman. But it dose not stop their. Your chances of finding a mermaid are strong too after getting a result . You could be just a human . Or a full on siren . You. Could also be a mermaid hunter so go find out.

Created by: Mermaid.silver fin
  1. Do you like the ocean?
  2. Do you think living in the water would be better than living on land?
  3. Do you like mermaids?
  4. Are you going to be ok if the score is not high?
  5. What's your favorite movie / show that has mermaids in it?
  6. Do you believe in mermaids?
  7. Do you have a mermaid tail ?
  8. Do you like sirens?
  9. What color or tail do you have ?
  10. Almost too the end how do toy feel.
  11. Well what did you hope to get ?

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Quiz topic: What % Of Mermaid am I?
