What Musical Instrument are you?

This quiz will decide what musical instrument you are because that is the only thing that matters in life. Good job if you read this when it basically does what it says on the can.

I am not going to copy and paste he two batanapfs this I am pibisloi spilinewng thnsgsis Antony and sinkhgibgs Jura hugs bys fbdhfbfhdbf CC dhhdhdbfbdhfhvdvdvdbdbfbbdbxbdbdbdbdbbdbehdhdbdbdbbdbdbdbdbdb

Created by: Factorism
  1. How do you pass the time?
  2. How social are you?
  3. What simile describes you?
  4. What is your favourite music genre?
  5. Who is the best band?
  6. What is your favourite food?
  7. Best Drink?
  8. Like my quiz?
  9. What do want to get?
  10. Ten questions are required so yeah

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Quiz topic: What Musical Instrument am I?
