what kind of a gymnast should you be?

there are many types of gymnasts in the world. But what one are you/ could you be! take this quiz to find out! and test your friends with his quiz to find out what they are.

Are you a gymnast? do you want to be? are you not sure what type you should try? all are great but which is really for you? you will never know until after you take this quiz.

Created by: amelie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you consider yourself best at?
  2. what do you enjoy practising?
  3. do you prefer...
  4. are you better at...
  5. are you tall?
  6. what would you're friends describe you as?
  7. who is you're idol
  8. what do you do in your spare time?
  9. what do you prefer
  10. are you strong?

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Quiz topic: What kind of a gymnast should I be?