what jinchuriki are you

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hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi konichiwa what ever yor yor naruto fans wellcome this is a quiz on which jinturiki are you never watched naruto huh well then watch the show then do this quiz and i mean naruto and naruto shippuden

sub to my youtube chanal if you read this oh and uh japan is cool and oh on this quiz i got fu isent that cool hee hee oh and natsuki is best doki and dont say no

Created by: Kiwi ~ senpai
  1. whats ur fav food
  2. what would you act like to your crush
  3. whats ur hobby
  4. ur fav color
  5. whats ur fav hello kitty character
  6. who is best doki
  7. in troth or dare what do you say
  8. ur fav wifu type is
  9. wha would you name a boy
  10. wha would you name a girl
  11. are you emo
  12. do you like furrys
  13. if i ship deku with all might what would you do
  14. are you a otaku
  15. ya likes the same gender as you

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Quiz topic: What jinchuriki am I
