What is your warrrior cat name and pelt color SHECATS ONLY!!

What is your warrior name chosen by Starclan. Clock this to find out, these are very cool answers and I hope you like my quiz I spent a lot of time on this and well see ya at the end of the quiz! XD

Have a great time choosing answers to find out your warrior cat name. It is ok if you didn't like my quiz if you didn't I'm sorry to hear about that please leave comments below thanks!

Created by: Warriorslover
  1. What color pelt are you interested in
  2. What do you want for the beginning of your name
  3. What clan are you in
  4. What is your fav food
  5. Where do you like to hunt most
  6. What color are your eyes
  7. What position are you
  8. What is your fur lenght
  9. Do you like waffles or pancakes better
  10. Did you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: What is my warrrior cat name and pelt color SHECATS ONLY!!
