What House at Hogwarts are you In?

Find out what Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry house you're in. Hufflepuffs are hard working. Ravenclaws are intelligent. Gryffindors are brave. Slytherins are cunning.

Are you a Brave Gryffindor? Or an Intelligent Ravenclaw? Or a hard- working Hufflepuff? Maybe you're a cunning Slytherin. Or are you something else...?

Created by: coolio10
  1. What Is your Idea of a well- spent hour?
  2. You are given a test at school that has questions that teacher hasn't covered yet. In the middle of the test you notice that your friend next to you has a cheat-sheet. The teacher doesn't notice. What do you do?
  3. You hear that your friend has been talking bad about you to everyone. What do you do?
  4. In potions class, do you follow instructions exactly?
  5. What's Your Favorite Color?
  6. What is your defence when you're attacked?
  7. Which is most important to you?
  8. Favorite Subject?
  9. Are your friends all really smart?
  10. What do you want to be? (Won't count towards anything)

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Quiz topic: What House at Hogwarts am I In?