What gender identity are you assigned at birth, male/female?

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Welcome to my quiz! I bet I can guess your gender. I have guessed your number — first quiz with this username —and what you are thinking, but can I guess your gender? I don't think so. Anyway, please read the second paragraph, or there will be consequences. Hello? Do you hear me?

This quiz will have 15 questions. Be honest or your result will not be accurate. Even if you are honest, you might get another gender. I do not have the gender question because that would make it to obvious and there is also robot on there. The genders that are not on there are front, willow, birthday, love, pizza, district, and other words other than boy, girl, and robot. Wouldn't you think so? Don't worry, you are not stupid.

Created by: jwziliak
  1. When you hear the word singing, what comes to mind? Do not think of a banana please. This would be so weird.
  2. Can you be pregnant? If you are 50 or older, you do not have to say no because of your age.
  3. Will you have Adam's apple? It is something boys get during puberty.
  4. 01001100 10001101 01010101 1110000 00110101 11000110 101000101 00111001
  5. Do you look like you mom or your dad (biologically)?
  6. What will your chest look like when you are 30
  7. Who are you married to or want to marry
  8. How fast can you type
  9. Do you like the color pink?
  10. how tall are you?
  11. If I asked what is your gender, what would you do?
  12. Do you cry or even have tears in your own eyes. If you don't know, say that you don't.
  13. Type quizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz somewhere without copying and pasting. How fast did you do it?
  14. g b i o r y l? What do you see first? Please answer correctly. Wait. This is not a test.
  15. What do you like more that this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What gender identity am I assigned at birth, male/female?
