What element ninja are you?!?!????!?!?!?!!!!!

Hey fellow ninjas! This quiz will determine what element is your ninja element. Pretty cool huh? Well, I’ve got a lot of characters to fill in, so let me tell you about my Martial Arts academy in the next paragraph.

My Martial Arts academy is Olsons Martial Arts Academy. It’s a great place where everyone is welcome. I’m on my way to Black Belt thanks to the amazing people there. Check it out sometime! [no urls]

Created by: Endeavor
  1. Pick an element.
  2. Pick a weapon
  3. Pick a word.
  4. Now that we’ve got that out the way, let’s get to the super awesome ninja questions!
  5. You’re trapped in an alley and surrounded by bad ninjas!!! (Duhn dun duuuun) What do you do?
  6. Choose who is in your team.
  7. Are you angry at how short this quiz was?
  8. Psych! There are still more questions.
  9. Time for battle. What do you do?
  10. Pick an animal
  11. And now we are done.

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Quiz topic: What element ninja am I?!?!????!?!?!?!!!!!
