What dragon you are?

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Dragons are great, amazing fantasy creatures! If you like or love dragons, please "pick this quiz" please. Idk what to say then hkbhvgvhgvivhghgfkgfhkhfggckgjcg

H vhhvjghcjgycgjygcjgjgccjgfccfyjcfncfcyfcgngnfgcnfcfgnfchcfnfccfhnfhcfcnhfchfccnnfncfcfcfccfghgchffhdgfdhfgcfh🐉D🐲R🐉A🐲G🐉O🐲N🐉S just random wordsssssssss🐉

Created by: RainbowPeacock
  1. what power is your?
  2. do you have any talent?
  3. Would you live on a:
  4. (In real life not dragon) in real life, what you most wanted to have in your body?
  5. Pick a food:
  6. Favorite emoji
  7. You could dress up with:
  8. Trivia: how is food in portuguese? Reward: 6 result for all dragons.
  9. Select a dragon (httyd)
  10. Yes or no?
  11. Bye

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