What dog breed are you?

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Dogs are funny, they are all so different yet similar, just like humans! So now is your chance to find out what dog breed you would be if you were a dog!

If you love dogs, this is the quiz for you! You can discover more about your furry friends by seeing what you yourself would be like if you were a dog! Have fun!

Created by: Meghan Callihan
  1. What is most important to you?
  2. What kind of friends do you have?
  3. What type of books/movies do you enjoy?
  4. Are you a morning person or a night owl
  5. Did/do you behave in class?
  6. Do you like kids?
  7. Do you like dogs?
  8. What kind of pets do you have?
  9. Why are you taking this quiz?
  10. Did you have fun?

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Quiz topic: What dog breed am I?
