What dinosaur are you

In this quiz you will see what dinosaur you are. And your results may be disappointing. But your in charge of your awnsers oh don’t hit Ohio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But hope you like the quiz! And get results you like! There is a 100% you will get a dinosaur you may get a herbivore or a carnivore. Please leave a like!

Created by: Emerson Mann
  1. Are superstitious?
  2. How are you described?
  3. What energy are you linked to?
  4. What is your hobby?
  5. If your brother/sister is bothering you what do you do?
  6. If you have a project due tomorrow what do you do?
  7. If your test is over what do you do?
  8. Your crossing a bridge over the ocean and the bridge breaks what do you do?
  9. Where is your dream place?
  10. Do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What dinosaur am I
