What bar level are you?

If you love reading the Gone series and wanted to know if you would be a powerful person in the book. Than this quiz is for you! Are you as powerful as Sam and Caine or are you someone with no powers like Edilio or Drake

There might be some spoilers in this quiz so if you don’t want to know what might happen the book than read all the books. But if you’ve read it already than, HAVE FUN!!

Created by: N1ghtTa10n
  1. What is your part in the FAYZ?
  2. Who do you take orders from?
  3. Where do you live?
  4. What weapon do you use?
  5. How old are you?
  6. Who do you trust to save your life in the FAYZ?
  7. Who is your favorite person?
  8. How long would you survive in the FAYZ?
  9. What job would you have?
  10. Finally, how powerful do you want to be. (Be honest!)

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Quiz topic: What bar level am I?
