What Animal Represents You?

Haven't you think about what animal could your personality represent? What about if your way of thinking pr acting is the same as an animal's way of being?

Animals represent different things. Each of them, according to many cultures, is a different symbol to a different trait. Would you like to discover which traits do you posses?

Created by: LionIsa
  1. How could you describe your lifestyle?
  2. What do you prefer?
  3. What's your favorite type of music?
  4. How could you describe yourself?
  5. If you could be related with some of these, which would it be?
  6. Which is your favorite color?
  7. Which you consider is your best physical quality?
  8. Which is your favorite of these?
  9. Are you a __________ person?
  10. Would you like to be able to transform into the animal the result will show?

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