What Animal are You?

What animal are you? Don't you want to know? This quiz is a step up from my last one, with better questions, more options and more results so it might make the quiz more accurate!

Are you ready to find out what animal you are? In 12 short questions, you will find out what animal you are! Soon, possibly in 5 minutes, You will find your result waiting for you! Ready.... Set.... GO!!

Created by: Dawn
  1. What is your favorite animal out of these options?
  2. Do you like soft and fuzzy creatures or strong and tough?
  3. What personality are you like most out of these options?
  4. What do you like to do in your free time?
  5. Do you like meat or vegetables?
  6. Do you like to be with people or by yourself?
  7. How would people describe you?
  8. What is your favorite sport?
  9. Are you a good swimmer or runner?
  10. What animal would you raise , breed and sell out of these options?

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Quiz topic: What Animal am I?