Warrior Cats Rip or Ship

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This is pretty much a mindless quiz I did because I was bored. I should be studying for final exams...but I'm not. I styled this whole quiz after my fave ship, Brightheart x Cloudtail.

I hope you like most of the ships if not oh well. I didn't put much work into it. Some of the ships are sucky so don't just assume that I like all of these ships.

Created by: Salty_Cat
  1. Silverstream x Graystripe
  2. Sol x Blackstar
  3. Brightpaw x Swiftpaw (Oh God, please rip)
  4. Brightheart x Cloudtail (YESS PLEASE SHIP)
  5. Honeyfern x Berrynose
  6. Longtail x Mousefur
  7. Crowpaw x Feathertail
  8. Ferncloud x Dustpelt
  9. Willowshine x Hollyleaf
  10. Tallstar x Jake
  11. Jayfeather x Briarlight
  12. Needletail x Alderheart
  13. Feathertail x Sahsa
  14. Leafpool x Sorreltail
  15. Breezepelt x Heathertail
  16. Ivypool x Blossomfall
  17. Gorse Fur x Wind Runner
  18. Hollyleaf x Hazeltail
  19. Onewhisker x Fireheart
  20. Dovewing x Tigerstar the 2nd
  21. Mothwing x Leafpool
  22. Bluestar x Thrushpelt
  23. Clear Sky x Star Flower
  24. Crookedjaw x Bluestar
  25. Cinderpelt x Littlecloud

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