Warrior Cats Oc Rating (oppinionated)

uhhh this is a generic quiz owo this is all 100% oppinionated, so dont get too frustrated o-o also i did exagerate them a bit bc of humor so dont let them get to your head :D

for all of you ppl who are here, take this and see what i thhink of ur gato warrior :D pls give me tips! this is my first quiz, so i will gladly take them!

Created by: MoonWisp
  1. What gender?
  2. what color?
  3. if they had to choose between their clan or their family, what would they choose?
  4. does your cat have a mate/kits?
  5. what is their rank? currently
  6. how old are they
  7. personality?
  8. if they had to kill off someone in a room, and they were with their mate, their leader, their kits, and their parent(s) who would they kill?
  9. were/are they in any prophecies?
  10. did you like this quiz?

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