Hi! this is my love story quiz for warrior cats, there will be 4 parts ( maybe) in this! hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh and pizza isnt in this sorry.

oh, and here are the charectors: you, little paw, shining paw, Star paw, flame paw, dove paw and time, now for the quiz! enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also do you play roblox??

Created by: Lemon whisker
  1. as star paw leans in you feel her rose scent filling your nose, she steps back and sighs "done, hope you feel good" as you walk out of the den flame paw comes up to you " me dove paw , shining paw and our mentors are training for battle, wanna join us?" "sure" you meow, as you walk into the flare shine jumps onto a rock and yowls " get into partners!"
  2. ( if you chose dove paw answer this) as you circle eachother dove paw pounces at you and accidently hits your muzzle " sorry" she says quickly as the mentors give each other emused glances
  3. ( if you chose flame paw answer this) you are pouncing at eachother laughing and genarally having a good time :))))))
  4. once you finish you are lagging behind when you return suddenly you hear paw steps, you turn around and see a large tom behind you "hello, im time" he said and then he dipped his head "who are you?" you freeze then say "im ____ paw" he smiled and stepped up "you seem nice, but i need to go, see you soon!" he walks away and you quieckly trot back to camp and go to sleep in your nest you dream about..
  5. you wake up to the leader calling for a clan meeting, you hurry out of your den and sit down next to..
  6. " today a apprentice shall be a warrior" the leader yowls cutting of the exited mew " shining paw step forward, let our ancestors look down upon you and approve my choice, shining paw from now on your shining pelt!" what do you do?>.<.......
  7. shining pelt comes up to you and asks if you want to hunt with the leader and herself you accept and head into the forest as you look around you spot the leader and you walk over to him "hows hunt-" you begin but then get cut of by yowls of fury as 5 cats burst out of the bush and land on the laeder.
  8. CLIFF HANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. baiiii
  10. how did you like this quiz??

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