Warrior cat name quiz

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Hi! Take this quiz and see what your warrior name would be if you were a cat in a clan! You only have to answer 14 questions, but not all of this is accurate, I'm just warning you! Just click the answer you find most accurate for you, and remember, be honest!

See what your warrior name would be, what your pelt would look like, what clan you would be in, what your mates name would be, what your kits names would be, and what your rank would be.

Created by: amsimamsi
  1. What gender are you?
  2. What is your favorite colour?
  3. What colour would your pelt be if you were a cat?
  4. What Clan are you in?
  5. What rank are you?
  6. What do you want your mate to be like?
  7. Do you want kits or not?
  8. Do you like to be by yourself or in the company of other cats?
  9. Do you enjoy speaking in front of your whole clan?
  10. What prey do you like?
  11. You hear an elder asking for someone to check his/her ticks. What do you do?
  12. There are rogues attacking your clan.You:
  13. Your best friend has broken the warrior code. You:
  14. You fall in love with a cat from another clan. What do you do?

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