Vocabulary Quiz 15% Nivel 2 English

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This quiz will review your understanding of the nature vocabulary. Choose only one correct answer. This quiz has a value of 15%. Read each option carefully and choose the best answer. Only one right answer.

You can use your book. Use the chapter Vacations with a Difference. Use this unit to help you determine the meaning of the words. Read the unit carefully to help you. Vocabulary is so important in terms of speaking and communicating.

Created by: Jennifer Castillo
  1. What is the definition of climate?
  2. what is the definition of species?
  3. What is the definition of prefer
  4. What is a coast?
  5. What is the definition of tropical?
  6. What is the definition of trade?
  7. What are glaciers?
  8. What is a volunteer?
  9. What is ancient?
  10. What is an animal that lays eggs?
  11. What is the increase in the world's temperature?
  12. What is adventure?
  13. What are wetlands?
  14. What is the definition of disappearing?
  15. What is the definition of biology?

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