Valley of hearts 2

DONT READ THIS: I gasped for air and looked at a clock, 12:00Pm. I got a nice warm jumper and walked outsaid into the forest. I herd a twig snap "Hey is anyone there?" I asked someone hopefully. I herd another twig snap and I turn to see the golden

I gasped for air and looked at a clock, 12:00Pm. I got a nice warm jumper and walked outsaid into the forest. I herd a twig snap "Hey is anyone there?" I asked someone hopefully. I herd another twig snap and I turn to see the golden.

Created by: singin234
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. (recap: you look out the window and see 3 wolfs) I feel fear rise up in me, but my legs move and I say in my head to them 'what are you doing! Fine get ripped up' But my legs stop 1 meter away from the wolfs. There is a grey one in the middle and a Red to the right and a brown to the left. The grey one looked older. Everyone was beside me but Chris who was no where to be seen "crowed" I whispered. Jake nodded at me in agreement. The wolfs moved closer to me but then I relized that they were bigger than wolfs. One came walks up to me when A black wolf came out of no where and stood in front of me. The out wolfs backed away
  2. Then the weather changed into a thuder Strom. We all ran inside, And I took another look at Mike's file.
  3. (PS: this might not be like a real flie but I just making it up okay) Mike grew up in a small town away from the city. At the age of 16 he was in a car crash and they had to plaster his face. His hair grew back in time but he still has a gash of scars on his tummy. Mike was driving his family in a car and he killed them by running into a wall. (There was also a New paper clipping) 16YEAR OLD KILLS FAMILY- 16 year old Mike Damson, Kils his family by running into a wall at the school. No kids were killed but his brother, Mike has had to plaster his face. He just lived but might die at the age of 17. (PS: WHEN I SAY PLASTER I MEAN THEY MADE A DIFFRENT FACE)
  4. I was shocked an looked at everyone eles. They were looking out the window so I hid the files. I walked up to Mike "Hey" I said standing next to him. He smiles "Hey" he said cheerfully. How could he be happy? Then I jut grabed to bag and ran outside and everyone yelled "ALLY WHERE ARE YOU going" I ingored them and said "CHRIS" No one said a thing and no one went after me. The boys house was not far away at all.
  5. I walked in and saw Chris was blood on his leg and glass of a cup on the floor. I ran over to him and ripped a huge bit of my T-shirt off and warped it around his leg. I ripeped it wrong so I just took off my shirt to see a small top under. Thank goodness I wore that today. Chris opened his eyes "Ally why are you dead as well" Chris asked. I laughed "your not dead" I told him. He shot up and looked at his leg that had a brown T-Shirt around it. He looked at me in my small T-Shirt and laughed "Shut up" I said smiling. I helped him up and decied to tell him about my dream. He looked shocked as I told him "Ally, dont tell anyone or they will have us killed. They relized your dad was magic and he got killed. Me and you are the only not humans here besides the wearwolfs" he told me. I looked at my bag with the flies in "I think Mike is not Human. I looked his file, he ran into a wall in a car with his family" Chris looked Shocked and everyone bust in. Aura hugged me "your okay" She said hugging me. I felt weird...I wasn't human. Chris was frowning at me, Back to squre one. I thought to myself "LET'S EAT" Jake said and grabbed some food "I am going to go to bed okay" I told everyone. The sky had cleared into a blue sky.
  6. I walked past the forest where I saw A golden haired wolf. I put the files away and looked at the wolf from my window. The wolf looked at me back "Night" I whipered, it was only daylight but the sun was setting. It was amazing, then I looked back at the forest and the wolf was gone (PS: SORRY THAT'S THERE IS NOT DEATAIL! I WILL ADD IT NOW) I was shocked that the eolf let me "Rude wolf" I said then I turned around and I saw a guy with golden brown hair with golden blond streaks in it on my bed. He had drak down eyes and a killer smile "So I am rude now hey" He says and I jump back "Get off my bed" I snap. He jut moves over and pats his hand on the bed to say 'Sit' I move and sit next to him. I stare at him "Who are you" I ask and he laughs and stares at the window "Drake. You never saw me" he said and poof he was gone. I looked out the window to see Aura coming back cying "What's wrong" I ask her. She hugs me "Chris! He is so mean! He said Red might of forgot about me and moved on to a pretty girl" She sob and a got mad "Don't listen to him. Now sleep" Aura nodded and went to bed. I decied to look at Chris's file
  7. Chirs Zanson. When Chris was 16 he ran away from home and came back at the age of 18. He says "I ran away and lives with an old lady" but the real story was. He had ran away and lived with a girl who was 16 and she died at the age of 18 so he left. Did Chris kill her we don't know but he says she is still alive. Like we believe it. (that was a new paper clipping) REAL STORY: Chris ran away from home at 15, t was his birthday in 2 weeks. He ran into the woods and got in a fight, a girl took him home and Let him ago at the age of 18. What happened there is not to be written Down
  8. I put the file away and had a dream again. ---Dream--- Chris was fighting Drake in the forest. Chris gets knocked out and Drake walks away. A girl was blond hair ran up to him and took o hers "Hello" she said as he woke. He smile weakly "Hi I am Chris, do you know where a girl called Ally is" He asked her. She shook her head "Lets have fun!" Chris shook his head and said "Ally is my girlfriend" Then she yelled and I woke up
  9. I gasped for air and looked at a clock, 12:00Pm. I got a nice warm jumper and walked outsaid into the forest. I herd a twig snap "Hey is anyone there?" I asked someone hopefully. I herd another twig snap and I turn to see the golden wolf
  10. I smile an he wolf turns into Drake. He smiles and hugs me "what are you doing out here?" he asks. I tell him about my dream and why I am out here, he just tells me to go back to Aura. I do and have a shower and then it hits me 'powers comes from something so we have power that means...we are not the only people here' I was Shocked and I hear a BANG
  11. Love?

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