Therian or not?

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Are you REALLY a therian? Keep in mind, this quiz is not 100% correct. Around 82% will be right and totaly correct. Thank you for trying my quiz! It's fun!

And so is being a therian! Less than 10% of people are so I need a friend like you if you pass! Please pass! I need a friend who isn't a backstaber!!!

Created by: Kimberly
  1. Do you feel like you have a special conection to an animal?
  2. Do you do quadrobics?
  3. Do you remember being an animal, maybe in the wild?
  4. Are you good at animal noises? (Barking, meowing, etc.)
  5. Can you control when your reaction to thing is normal?
  6. Do you like outdoors
  7. What colors to you typicaly feel comforting? (This barely affects you)
  8. Do you have furry art?
  9. Do you have friends that are therians?
  10. Do you own or wish to own gear (A tail, ears, collers etc.)
  11. Do you eat grass (cough, cough, me?)
  12. Are you into furry youtube stuff?
  13. Do you feel like you have -1IQ at times?
  14. (almost there!) Do you have phantom limbs? (Fur, ears, tail, paws, etc. that aren't there?)
  15. Last one! Grass
  16. Do you think you're a therian?

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