The Unofficial Sorting Quiz

Random stuff to fill the 150 characters thing: desadsadssssssssssssssssssssssssssadsasasdsasdddddddddddddddddddasasaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssdawrrfrfrfrfrJKJAJkhsjkhjdhkjashdj

More stuff: sjhakjhkjhjksahdkjfhlkdfjhlskjdakhfksdjhfajhdkjhkjhlkjhfsjkshkjhfkljashfkahhklsdjkaljshljkahsdkljfhuirhyqweiuahsdjbvjdskahuhfiuuskdhalksjklasjkjaslkdjLJSDLKSJAKLJD

Created by: Harry Potter Fan
  1. Your friends describe you as...
  2. When you die, what do you want people to remember you as?
  3. What house would you like to be sorted into?
  4. What will you most likely be having for tea tonight?
  5. Who is your favorite singer / rapper?
  6. What game do you like to play?
  7. What do you think Amortentia would smell like to you?
  8. What song describes you the most?
  9. If you were an animal, what would you be?
  10. Did you like this quiz? (Does not affect score)

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